How an Innovation Project Evolved into a Marketing Machine for Chick-fil-A

It was 2013, and most brands were throwing money and product at Mommy Bloggers in hopes that a blog post would drive sales. This cycle occurred with every product launch, and it continues today with many brands. However, an email from the Chick-fil-A innovation center transformed the way this brand worked with moms, and it led to priceless success generating conversation about the brand in homes across America. Today, I reveal the story about how Chick-fil-A’s Mom Panel turned from an innovation project into a marketing machine. As the CEO of BSM Media and the author of 6 books on [...]

By |2018-06-20T14:23:38+00:00June 20th, 2018|Blog|0 Comments

How to Prepare Your Brand Today for Tomorrow’s Gen Z Moms

Yes, you read that right- Gen Z moms. Although many marketers are still trying to capture the spending of the youngest Millennial Moms, the first Gen Z moms are arriving. The oldest women of the Generation Z are now between 18 and 22 years old. According to Fast Company, Gen Z consumers will dominate the economy by 2020 and out-number the Millennial population. Gen Z moms who were born into technology don’t know a world without texting, SnapChat, or online buying, so they will demand new marketing to moms tactics. BSM Media, an award-winning marketing to moms agency, and its [...]

By |2018-06-19T17:22:13+00:00June 14th, 2018|Blog|0 Comments
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